Emotional Intelligence Skills
Training Program

Welcome to HeadCoach's Resource Center, your go-to hub for enhancing emotional intelligence and optimizing performance.

Create a New Program

selecting the skills to train

Access the "My EQ Skills" button (for individual athletes) or "Manage Team" button (for team programs) from the home screen.

Select Skills

selecting the skills to train

Choose up to 4 sport-specific skills, selected by our Chief Psychology Officer, Joe Davis.

Set duration

selecting the skills to train

Define the training period in weeks, aiming for around 8 sessions per skill.

Set Start and End Date

selecting the skills to train

Determine start and end dates based on the program's duration.

Select Training Days

selecting the skills to train

Align training days with physical training sessions.

Order the SKills

selecting the skills to train

Arrange the skills in the desired training order and confirm.